We had a later dinner than usual tonight, so there was exactly zero natural light available to make the beautiful colors of the soup and garnish actually appear beautiful in these photos. 'pologies. Average the really bilious first picture and the murky second one, and you'll get something closer to the true, appetizing shade.
I made a (once again massive) loaf of ciabatta that we ate alongside the soup. The crumb was amazingly moist and might drive me to use this recipe as my go-to. The only problem is that the crust softened within an hour of taking it out of the oven. Ciabatta crust isn't as crisp and crunchy as, say, just a rustic boule or some such, but it should be a little crunchier than it ended up, I think. It wasn't bad--to the contrary!--but it was inexplicable. Can anyone deinexplicate it?
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