Last night, I made a black bean and coconut milk soup. I knew the recipe would turn out when I saw it contained a cup of fresh chopped cilantro and a tablespoon of cumin (as well as some coriander), and it didn't let me down. There is one key modification I would like to try. Interestingly enough, the recipe calls for two cans of black beans, one of which is pureed into the coconut milk/garlic/onion/herbs and spices base. I was much happier with the taste of the broth pre-puree than post-. Afterward, it was waterier, more salty, less pungent, and just the slightest bit clammy to the tongue. I'd like to try either boiling things down and then perhaps giving it another pass through the immersion blender, as well as increasing the spices, or just use only one can of black beans.

In any event, it was very satisfying, served over a scoop of brown rice.
Oh, and I forgot to add the tablespoon of nut butter that was supposed to go in. In the event of non-pureeing, that nut butter would likely be a helpful thickener.
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