Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Corny jokes

The bread of the hour is honey wheat. I lazily did not browse for the perfect recipe, instead modifying the first one I found. The blogger claimed it turned out a little heavy, so I moistened the dough somewhat more than the recipe called for with olive oil and water; I also used white whole wheat flour instead of... not white. This may or may not have made a difference. Either way, it was delicious. I basted the top with a little olive oil during the baking, to be replaced next time with a honey/water slurry. The crust wasn't so crusty; this is very much a sandwich bread.

This accompanied a fresh corn soup. I've really grown to love soups that are pureed but use only a little potato or a few tablespoons of milk for creaminess (or, in some extreme cases, neither) rather than ridiculous amounts of cream. This was one of them. The recipe called for marjoram, but I didn't have any and didn't feel like buying it, so I substituted oregano.

The fresh, raw kernel component was key to the success of the garnish. I appreciate how this soup could be made flexibly seasonal; with the tomatoes and chives, and at slightly-warmer-than-room temperature rather than boiling hot, it was quite refreshing, which I sort of needed after lots of errand-related walking*.

No dessert tonight (too much bread!), so perhaps tomorrow can be brown butter monkey bread or whoopie pies with peanut butter filling or caramel cupcakes or raspberry lemonade bars or basil lime sorbet or...

*One of these errands was a trip to the library, where I intended to drop off two books and pick up one. I dropped off two books and picked up four. Oops.

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