Monday, July 12, 2010

Trinities: sooo first century

I planned to make a trio of fries and dips tonight, but it didn't go my way. There was even a cute little plan for presentation! Unfortunately, the potatoes and one of the sweet potatoes I had set aside for this rotted, so I had to cut the rosemary goat cheese oven fries with ketchup-spiked aioli and cut the portions on the peanut butter curry sweet potato fries with cinnamon yogurt dip. Dualism is where it's at, anyway.

The avocado fries with the rest of the Thai chili sauce as a dip were incredible. Each of us made a yummy sound a la Young Frankenstein ("I didn't make a yummy sound. I just asked you what it is." "But you did! I just heard it!") upon biting into our first ones. I wish I'd cooked some of them a bit longer; I was juggling five things in the kitchen as I was frying them and got too nervous about burning them. And remember what I said about the chili sauce looking like mucus? These photos will prove that to you. But the insides were creamy, and with panko as a breading, there's really no way not to get a light, crispy crust.

The sweet potato fries were good, but not as punchy as I'd have liked. Next time, instead of doing a curry blend, I'll spice them more heavily with cumin and lots of cayenne or chili powder so that the cinnamon yogurt dip is distinctly cooling in contrast to the spicy sweet potatoes.

The reduced portions didn't leave us any for lunch tomorrow, so I'll have to make something else. But paired with a simple arugula salad*, they were perfect for dinner.

Post-Petersburg, I've moved on to The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, acquired at a nice $4 from a used book sale next to the Cambridge post office. It's Eco as usual. You should read this one, too.

*Arugula is possibly the best green thing in the world. Or maybe kale. But really, arugula.

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